50 gr di fecola di patate
200 gr di zucchero semolato
4 uova intere biologiche
6 cucchiai di spremuta di arance biologiche
150 gr di margarina vegetale biologica
1 pizzico di sale
per le arance caramellate
3 arance bio tagliate a fette
- 200 gr di zucchero semolato
- la punta di un cucchiaino da tè , di Grani del Paradiso (Pepe Melegueta) Cannamela
- 2 cucchiai di acqua naturale
- 1 cucchiaino di margarina vegetale biologica
- per la decorazione
- cacao amaro in polvere q.b.
- cioccolato fondente min. 72% q.b.
- frutti di ribes surgelati o freschi q.b.
Caramellare in una padella antiaderente, le fette di arancia, dello spessore di circa7-8 mm, con la margarina, lo zucchero,l'acqua e i grani del Paradiso (con comodo tappo-macina).
Poi, montare a crema le uova con lo zucchero e un pizzico di sale fino ad ottenere un composto quasi bianco e spumoso.
Poi, montare a crema le uova con lo zucchero e un pizzico di sale fino ad ottenere un composto quasi bianco e spumoso.
Nel frattempo, far sciogliere la margarina nel microonde o a bagnomaria; da fredda, aggiungerla gradatamente all'impasto, alternandola alla farina e alla fecola.
Versare l'impasto in una teglia unta d'olio e cuocere in forno preriscaldato a 180°C per 40 minuti circa.
Quando la torta sarà cotta, sformarla e porla in un piatto; spolverizzarla di cacao amaro in polvere e disporvi sopra, le fette caramellate di arancia, a raggiera.
Irrorare con il "caramello" rimasto nella padella.
Quindi, decorare il dolce con i ribes e il cioccolato fondente fatto a scaglie.
Voglia di frutta? Et voilà!
Ingredients (for 6 servings):for the dough200 grams of flour 0050 g of potato starch200 grams of caster sugar4 whole eggs biological6 tablespoons freshly squeezed organic oranges1 teaspoon of baking powder for cakes150 grams of margarine biological1 pinch of salt3 oranges to oranges organic caramelized sliced 200g caster sugar the tip of a teaspoon , Grains of Paradise ( Pepe Melegueta ) Cannamela 2 tablespoons water naturale1 teaspoon of margarine for decoration biological unsweetened cocoa powder to taste dark chocolate min. 72 % q.b. currant fruit frozen or fresh q.b.
Processing:Caramelize in a pan , orange slices , with a thickness of 8 mm - circa7 , with margarine , sugar , water and grains of paradise ( with convenient plug - grinder ) .Then , mount cream to the eggs with the sugar and a pinch of salt until mixture is almost white and fluffy.Meanwhile, melt the margarine in the microwave or double boiler , a cold , add it gradually to the mixture , alternating with the flour and starch .Pour the batter into a greased baking tray and bake in a preheated oven at 180 ° C for 40 minutes.When the cake is cooked, sformarla and place it in a dish , sprinkle with cocoa powder and arrange on top of the slices of caramelized orange sunburst .
Drizzle with the " caramel " remaining in the pan .
Then , decorate the cake with red currants and dark chocolate flakes made .
Feel like fruit ? Et voila!
Voglia di frutta? Et voilà!
Cake with caramelized oranges and dark chocolate aroma of grains of Paradise
Ingredients (for 6 servings):for the dough200 grams of flour 0050 g of potato starch200 grams of caster sugar4 whole eggs biological6 tablespoons freshly squeezed organic oranges1 teaspoon of baking powder for cakes150 grams of margarine biological1 pinch of salt3 oranges to oranges organic caramelized sliced 200g caster sugar the tip of a teaspoon , Grains of Paradise ( Pepe Melegueta ) Cannamela 2 tablespoons water naturale1 teaspoon of margarine for decoration biological unsweetened cocoa powder to taste dark chocolate min. 72 % q.b. currant fruit frozen or fresh q.b.
Processing:Caramelize in a pan , orange slices , with a thickness of 8 mm - circa7 , with margarine , sugar , water and grains of paradise ( with convenient plug - grinder ) .Then , mount cream to the eggs with the sugar and a pinch of salt until mixture is almost white and fluffy.Meanwhile, melt the margarine in the microwave or double boiler , a cold , add it gradually to the mixture , alternating with the flour and starch .Pour the batter into a greased baking tray and bake in a preheated oven at 180 ° C for 40 minutes.When the cake is cooked, sformarla and place it in a dish , sprinkle with cocoa powder and arrange on top of the slices of caramelized orange sunburst .
Drizzle with the " caramel " remaining in the pan .
Then , decorate the cake with red currants and dark chocolate flakes made .
Feel like fruit ? Et voila!